Hello there! My name is Rosemarie, and I am the founder of Under The Pink Moon Books.com. Welcome to my new blog established for book lovers about all things bookish. I hope to share with you my love of reading. My site will also include guidance to assist you with navigating the world of our evolving literary landscape.
My blog will support an inclusive, safe, and open domain to connect with other literary thinkers. Delving into reading together will be adventurous. As a young girl, I would dream about books. Therefore, I believe books matter.
“A world without books would be a small one.”
It is important to allow time for reading. Books open our eyes to pages of words strung carefully together by their respective writers. These bound pages contain sentences within paragraphs woven into chapters lauded with characters who give voice to a deeper narrative unique to their parts, yet relative to the author’s sequence of events. All of these intricate pieces bond together steadfastly adhering to the body of a good read.
Globe Photo courtesy of Ella Jardim/Unsplash
In my mind, when I envision an image of a well-read book, I picture it dressed in a soft cover aged to perfection. A cover created by an artist to translate the subtleties of the author’s wishes. Glancing at the cover jackets on my shelves is comparable to looking at a timeline of my life arranged by date, and by title. Subsequently, I feel like I am in the company of some of my oldest friends. These renderings of my past are chronicled by the stories that I hold dear.
Photo courtesy of Ella Jardim/Unsplash
Under The Pink Moon Books, derived from an initial heartfelt longing to reconnect with words, and the worlds they call home. After I finished my first memoir of the year, I felt the desire to read more books related to the same genre.
Continued exposure to the flow of information from my garnered collection of memoirs led to my contemplation of a multitude of moving passages.
I recognized that a continuous thread ran throughout the memoirs I read. Each brave, fearless writer had recreated such finely honed memories of their individual stories upon completing, I felt a shifting of my thoughts. Moving through this process prompted me to celebrate authors by creating a blog about books and all literary things.
This virtual domain will feature:
interesting images
illuminating authors
uplifting poetry
endearing quotes
literary-themed events